Miconvey News & Events

Malaysian Society of Colorectal Surgeons Coloproctology 2023

2023 - 03 - 05

The theme of Coloproctology 2023, the 21st Annual Scientific Congress of the Malaysian Society of Colorectal Surgeons (MSCRS), is ‘Beyond Precision’.
The Organising Committee has crafted a scientific programme to pull together what it means to go beyond precision in the 21st century. 

While many of the symposia are disease-focused, the panels are diverse,in keeping with decision-making needs for individualized patient care. Technological developments in diagnostics and therapeutics are addressed, while also paying attention to the perspectives of ostomates,cancer survivors and allied health professionals.

It was a great pleasure for us to meet and talk with our partners here!The congress has made a successful ending but our dedicated service will keep professional as always! 

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